
Safety and security at Appalachian State University is a campus-wide mission. Below are some departments that provide safety and security services, programs, training, and coordination.

Appalachian Police

The Appalachian Police Department (APD) is committed to providing a safe working, living and learning environment through a community oriented policing philosophy that emphasizes crime prevention and crime solving through partnerships, education and awareness programs, pro-active patrolling and quality officer training. They provide general and emergency services, and they enforce state laws and university policies on campus twenty-four hours a day, seven-days a week. Contact the Appalachian Police Department at 828-262-8000 for emergencies or at 828-262-2150 for all other business.

Counseling and Psychological Services (students)

The Counseling & Psychological Services Center, an office of the Division of Student Affairs at Appalachian State University, is part of a comprehensive program of student services. The Center has as its primary purpose the prevention of psychological difficulties and treatment of the mental health concerns of its students. Contact the Counseling & Psychological Services Center at 828-262-3180.

Counseling for Faculty and Staff

Counseling for Faculty and Staff (CFS) provides counseling, consultation, training and referrals for concerns that impact work for the faculty and staff of Appalachian State University. Contact Counseling for Faculty and Staff at 828-262-4951.

Early Intervention Team (EIT)

The Early Intervention Team's main function is to meet with students who are showing signs of difficulty with university life and who have been referred by faculty or staff. These meetings are non-disciplinary and are intended to offer support and connect students with resources that can help them become healthier and more productive members of the community. Students may also make referrals through a faculty or staff member. Contact the Early Intervention Team at 828-262-7077.

Student Health Service

The Mary S. Shook Student Health Service exists to meet the health needs of the students of Appalachian State University. All registered full-time students who are currently attending class are eligible to receive care at the Health Service. A valid student identification card is required for any service. Contact the Mary S. Shook Student Health Service at 828-262-3100.

International Education and Development (Crisis Management Program)

Crises are always a potential reality with overseas programs, both academic and co-curricular, and it important to have protocols in place to deal effectively with such emergency situations as they arise. Appalachian International Crisis Management Protocols (Appalachian-ICMP) have been designed expressly to safeguard the well-being of program participants and to protect the University's interests. Contact the Office of International Education and Development for the current study abroad emergency procedures at 828-262-2046.

Emergency Phone Numbers


Police, Fire and Medical Emergencies from any location, call 911

If you are on campus, call 828-262-8000

  • Emergency and Adverse Weather Closings: 828-262-SNOW
  • Student Health Service: 828-262-3100
  • Facilities Operations (24-hour emergency repairs)
    • 8am to 5pm: 828-262-3190 x102
    • After 5pm: Appalachian Police 828-262-2150
  • New River Light and Power (for outages and emergency repair)

Off-Campus: Boone and Hickory

Police, Fire and Medical Emergencies from any location, call 911

Boone and Watauga County

  • Boone Police Department: 828-268-6900
  • Watauga County Sheriff's Office: 828-264-3761
  • Watauga County Health Department, AppHealthCare: 828-264-4995
  • New River Light and Power (for outages and emergency repair): 828-264-8621
  • Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation (for outage reporting system): 800-448-2383

Hickory and Catawba County

  • Hickory Police Department: 828-328-5551
  • Catawba County Sheriff's Office: 828-464-5241
  • Catawba County Public Health: 828-695-5800

Off-Campus Instructional Site Emergency Messaging

Some App State classes and activities may be offered at off-campus instructional sites where App State rents or uses space for learning or working, such as a community college campus. The off-campus instructional site bears the responsibility for managing emergencies and events in their location, and for alerting people on their property in the event of an emergency. App State recognizes the need to assist students, faculty and staff in finding where they can register for emergency alert messaging at off-campus instructional site locations. Please reach out to the safety office at or (828) 262-4008 if you need assistance finding where to register for emergency alerts at these locations.